Quotes of 'Sport'

Saleem Altaf :

"In the new FTP India will now tour Pakistan in 2009 and 2113 while England will visit in 2010."

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Saleem Altaf :

"But everything depends on how long it takes him to make a complete recovery."

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Saleem Altaf :

"We really don't know at this stage how serious the injury is, but I doubt he will be available for the tour of Sri Lanka next month"

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Saleem Altaf :

"The initial medical report is that he has a stress fracture in his ankle that requires a rest period of at least six weeks but it could be longer"

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Saleem Altaf :

"We had basically asked the BRG to review his action in three months time instead of keeping him out of the game, which is his livelihood, for a year."

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Saleem Altaf :

"We are confident we can get the ban lifted or reduced on the basis of the improvement we have seen in his action now"

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Saleem Altaf :

"Obviously he is very upset and disappointed but I have told him we will continue to support him and there is still quite a bit of cricket left in him"

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Saleem Altaf :

"We have no problems if Australia or New Zealand or both combined want to bid for the tournament. We are confident about our bid given the huge commercial market for the sport in this region and the overwhelming interest it evokes among the people"

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Saleem Altaf :

"There is a law which clearly defines what is an illegal action and empowers umpires to no-ball such bowlers"

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Saleem Altaf :

"We will have to look into this and learn something from this experience with regards to our scheduling for future series. The accommodation just isn't adequate enough in these places."

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