Munir Akram Quote

That's the nature of the game. My only regret is we didn't get into the negotiations early enough

by Munir Akram on Sport

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Munir Akram :

"All people of goodwill desire that all the possibilities for a peaceful resolution of this crisis should be exhausted before the council may decide to bring into play the enforcement mechanism"

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Munir Akram :

"It is understandable that the patience of some important members of the Security Council is running out"

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Munir Akram :

"They have been there for 25 or 30 years, every document on development. I don't think the world can change directions on a pinhead"

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Munir Akram :

"it will be dangerous to the security of the world This is not an issue of reaching compromises on language, this is an issue of national security"

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Munir Akram :

"Pakistan is against nonproliferation because it is always accompanied by disarmament. If disarmament is applied to some countries and not others."

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Munir Akram Bio

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Munir Akram

Munir Akram, HQA (born 2 December 1945) was the Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations from 2002 to 2008. Following a regime change in 2008, Ambassador Akram stepped down to pursue a career in the private sector. He was replaced by Hussain Haroon, a politician and a non-career diplomat

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