Truth; 854 Likes

Tell you the truth i hate what didn’t kill me, it never made me stronger at all.

by (few years ago!)
Believe those who are seeking the truth; doubt those who find it

by (few years ago!)
What you don't know really don't hurt you but once you find out it might kill you

by (few years ago!)
Nothing is possible without the helps of my Allah.

by Rizwan Ajmal (few years ago!)
Telling the truth and making someone cry is better than telling lie and making someone smile

by (few years ago!)
Telling the truth and making someone cry is better than telling lie and making someone smile

by (few years ago!)
It’s hard when realizing that the one you are waiting for is not coming back anymore

by (few years ago!)
Everthings is possible in the word if you work hard.

by Rizwan Ajmal (few years ago!)
Everytime someone mentions your name, my head turns right towards them

by (few years ago!)
we always hope for the best.

by Rizwan Ajmal (few years ago!)
A true friend is one who will always be there in times of need and will never ever say goodbye no matter how harsh you treat

by (few years ago!)
When trusts u blindly.don't ever prove them blind

by (few years ago!)
When you feel depressed, confused or hurt. Don't worry stand in front of a mirror, you will find the best one to solve your problem. TRUST YOURSELF

by (few years ago!)
If you are truthful you will survive. If you lie you shall perish

by (few years ago!)
The option of "Humanity" is missing even from the category list in the world of all beautiful quotes.

by Anuj Somany (few years ago!)

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