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by (few years ago!) / 977 views
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"if U want to Shine like Sun, first U will have to Burn like it" Adolf Hitler

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It's up to you to step up, or stay all your life in the shadow of the unknown

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Sing your heart out Lassy...sing to the dark clouds...maybe they will cheer up and let the sun peek through

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Never Expect Love & Care from SomeOne..Coz All dey Gonna Give is Ignorance & Pain !! :(

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When you write things down, you are that much closer to achieving them.

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If you want me in your life, put me there. I shouldn’t be fighting for a spot.

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A true friend is there is there to make you laugh even when you feel like crying

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Live, let live, and love. the rest will fall into place

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All that you say, all that you do will become someones memories..make all the memories of you be good ones!!

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One's first love is always perfect until one meets one's second love.

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