Muhammad Ali Jinnah Quote

Pakistan is proud of her youth, particularly the students, who are nation builders of tomorrow. They must fully equip themselves by discipline, education, and training for the arduous task lying ahead of them.

by Muhammad Ali Jinnah on Motivation

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Muhammad Ali Jinnah :

"Urdu (is) a language that has been nurtured by a hundred million Muslims of this subcontinent, a language understood throughout the length and breadth of Pakistan and above all, a language with more than any other provincial language, embodies the best in Islam culture and Muslim tradition….in nearest to the language used in order Islamic countries"

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Muhammad Ali Jinnah :

"In Pakistan lies our deliverance, defence and honour…In our solidarity, unity and discipline lie the strength, power and sanction behind us to carry on this fight successfully. No sacrifice should be considered too great. We shall never accept any future constitution on the basis of a united India."

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Muhammad Ali Jinnah :

"We must get Pakistan at any cost. For it we live and for it we will die. The Mussalmans have to struggle and struggle hard for their honorable existence…you must work and work hard. By doing so you will contribute substantially not only to the honour of ten corers of Muslims but to the crystallization of a free Muslim state of Pakistan where Muslims will be able to offer the ideology of Islamic rule"

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Muhammad Ali Jinnah :

"You will no doubt agree with me that the first duty of a government is to maintain law and order, so that the life, property, and religious beliefs of its subjects are fully protected by the State.....…if we want to make this great State of Pakistan happy and prosperous we should wholly and solely concentrate on the well-being of the people, and especially of the masses and the poor."

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Muhammad Ali Jinnah :

"The Government can only have for its aim one objective – how to serve the people, how to devise ways and means for their welfare, for their betterment. What other object can the Government have…..?"

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Muhammad Ali Jinnah Bio

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Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Muhammad Ali Jinnah (December 25, 1876 – September 11, 1948) was a lawyer, politician, statesman and the founder of Pakistan. He is popularly and officially known in Pakistan as Quaid-e-Azam ("Great Leader") and Baba-e-Qaum ("Father of the Nation"). Jinnah served as leader of the All-India Muslim League from 1913 until Pakistan's independence on August 14, 1947, and as Pakistan's first Governor-General from August 15, 1947 until his death on September 11, 1948. Jinnah rose to prominence in the Indian National Congress initially expounding ideas of Hindu-Muslim unity and helping shape the 1916 Lucknow Pact between the Muslim League and the Indian National Congress; he also became a key leader in the All India Home Rule League. He proposed a fourteen-point constitutional reform plan to safeguard the political rights of Muslims in a self-governing India.

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