quotes of Pervez Musharraf ; 252 quotes

"We have taken so much action in our internal environment to curb extremism. This was enough reason, much more than enough reason, for any leadership in India to have decided to de-escalate"

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"The entire nation is with the armed forces and will shed the last drop of their blood but will not allow any harm to come to the motherland"

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"But the parties themselves must step up and make changes to ensure their own survival. ... rigged elections"

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"We want to curb the menace of terrorism. The staff would be given training in modern skills to track down the culprits involved in such heinous crimes"

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"A sustained dialogue for a principled and lasting settlement must commence without further delay, ... We remain ready for such a dialogue at any time, any place, any level"

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"I take this opportunity to once again urge the Indian leadership to sit with us at the negotiating table"

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"This is all humbug. There is just no deal"

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"All I can do is to give my own assurance that we will try to avoid conflict. It will be my utmost endeavor to avoid conflict."

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"All countries must join hands in this common cause."

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"I'm not that silly and stupid to say this, ... I never said it. Let me clearly say this. I never said it, and I'm totally misquoted"

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Pervez Musharraf Bio

Pervez Musharraf  photo

Pervez Musharraf

Pervez Musharraf (born 11 August 1943), is a retired four-star general who served as the 13th Chief of Army Staff and tenth President of Pakistan as well as tenth Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee. Musharraf headed and led an administrative military government from October 1999 till August 2007. He ruled Pakistan as Chief Executive from 1999–2001 and as President from 2001-08. In the face of impeachment, he preferred to resign on 18 August 2008.

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