quotes of Pervez Musharraf ; 252 quotes

"We would like to move against any organization that helped him in any way"

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"I think such actions need courage and boldness, ... What we have seen on the TV, Israelis not wanting to leave, being forced out, is a courageous thing to do. We hope that he shows (an) equal amount of courage finally in the creation of the Palestinian state"

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"Pakistan, being a friend and immediate neighbor of Iran, wishes an early peaceful end to this issue"

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"I consider this unthinkable, to ever be a moment where we have to launch nuclear attacks."

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"We do not want war. We will not initiate war"

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"We are together in the fight against terrorism, ... also give sermons of hate and anger and violence"

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"Let me say with total sincerity that I never said that and it has been misquoted"

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"We reject terrorism in all its forms and manifestations anywhere in the world, ... We will continue to fulfill our responsibilities flowing from our commitment."

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"I, of course, drew attention to the fact that on-the-ground infiltration and violence continues and it is our hope that this would subside"

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"the environment of Pakistan dictates that I keep on until 2007 . .the regional and international environment demands that I keep it on. So why should I be bothered to remove it now?"

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Pervez Musharraf Bio

Pervez Musharraf  photo

Pervez Musharraf

Pervez Musharraf (born 11 August 1943), is a retired four-star general who served as the 13th Chief of Army Staff and tenth President of Pakistan as well as tenth Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee. Musharraf headed and led an administrative military government from October 1999 till August 2007. He ruled Pakistan as Chief Executive from 1999–2001 and as President from 2001-08. In the face of impeachment, he preferred to resign on 18 August 2008.

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