quotes of Pervez Musharraf ; 252 quotes

"I hold national interest supreme. I personally, in all sincerity, in all honesty, think that I have a role to play in this nation. I sincerely think that I have a job to do here."

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"A substantive dialogue which lays the foundation for a forward momentum on all those issues"

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"ready to discuss all other outstanding issues between our two countries as well"

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"At the beginning of the new century, our two countries must do their utmost to overcome the legacy of distrust and hostility, in order to build a brighter future for our peoples"

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"We don't want war, but we are ready for war"

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"I presume he may already have been deported to the United States"

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"As far as Pakistan is concerned, we are very clear that we believe in the right of Palestinians and the Israelis to have their own state, ... Within that, whatever Pakistan or whatever I can do, I will contribute"

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"We regard terrorism as an evil that threatens the world community. Concerted international effort is needed to fight terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. The carnage in New York and Washington has raised the struggle to a new level"

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"I am saying all this in sincerity that we need to de-escalate in the interests of both the countries. In the interest of armies of both the countries"

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"I think we should start talking, I think one should be strong enough to say that"

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Pervez Musharraf Bio

Pervez Musharraf  photo

Pervez Musharraf

Pervez Musharraf (born 11 August 1943), is a retired four-star general who served as the 13th Chief of Army Staff and tenth President of Pakistan as well as tenth Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee. Musharraf headed and led an administrative military government from October 1999 till August 2007. He ruled Pakistan as Chief Executive from 1999–2001 and as President from 2001-08. In the face of impeachment, he preferred to resign on 18 August 2008.

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