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Search Results for 'attitude'

"First We Make Our

"First We Make Our Attitude


Our Attitude Make Us..."

~.~ Denis Waitley ~.~

89 chars (1 sms)

A strong and positive

A strong and positive attitude creates More miracles Than any Other thing, B''coz.. Life is 10% How U make it; And 90% How U Take it..

135 chars (1 sms)

| t0dAyZ Th0uGhT |

| t0dAyZ Th0uGhT |

dOnT wAlK on RoaD aS iF u RuLE ........

BuT waLk aS iF u rEaLLy dOnT caRe wHo RuLes oVer iT...

tHatS caLLeD AttitUde.........

154 chars (1 sms)

With a BAD attitude

With a BAD attitude u can never have a Positive Day.


With a POSITIVE attitude u can never have a Bad Day.
Choice is URS!

129 chars (1 sms)

With a BAD attitude

With a BAD attitude u can never have a Positive Day.


With a POSITIVE attitude u can never have a Bad Day.
Choice is URS!

130 chars (1 sms)

Our lives r not

Our lives r not deteremined

by what happens to us

but how we react to what happens,

not by what life brings to us,

but by the attitude we bring to life...

166 chars (2 sms)

"I studied everything

"I studied everything but never topped,
But today the toppers of the best
universities are my employees"
-Bill Gates
Have ur own... ;->

169 chars (2 sms)

Two Thoughts that

Two Thoughts that Decide Your Attitude.

1. What You Think of Yourself
When You Have Nothing.

2. What You Think of Others
When You have Everything

155 chars (1 sms)

Excellent positive statement-

Excellent positive statement-

"I''m not totally useless,

I can still be used as an example of uselessness!"

Dats attitude!

132 chars (1 sms)

Wen it rains all d

Wen it rains all d birds fly 4 Shelter.
Bt Eagle Alone Avoids d Rain By Flying Above d Cloud.
Problem is common 2 all But ATTITUDE define ALTITUDE.

150 chars (1 sms)

"Certain Thoughts Are Prayers.

"Certain Thoughts Are Prayers.

There Are Moments In Life,

When Whatever May Be The Attitude Of The Body ,

The Soul Is Always On Its Knees"

Gud Morning

163 chars (2 sms)

Excellence Isn''t

Excellence Isn''t Something That
U Can Just Turn On & Off
Whenever U Need It.
Its A Habit,
That''s Rooted In Attitude
& Effects Every Part Of Ur Life
Gud A.M.. (:

169 chars (2 sms)

Learn To Express Rather

Learn To Express Rather Than Impress

Expressing Evokes A "Me Too" Attitude


Impressing Evokes A "So What" Attitude

Feel d Difference

gUd A.M

161 chars (2 sms)

This bright, new day..

This bright, new day...
Cmplete wid 24 hrs of opportunities, choices & attitude...
A perfectly matched set of 1440 minutes.
This unique gift, this one day, cannot be exchanged, replaced or refunded...
Handle wid care.
Make the most of it...

G o _ O d
M o R n I n G (=,-)

280 chars (2 sms)

Attitude of girls:

Attitude of girls:

When a boy sends dirty sms
she laughs for 10 minutes,
forward dat to her friends n
then replies the boy.
“i dont like that kind of sms ok?” :p ;->

175 chars (2 sms)

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