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Inspirational sms; 787 messages

What lies behind

What lies behind us and what lies before us
are tiny matters when compared to what lies
within us..!

103 chars (1 sms)

GoOd ChaRaCtEr

GoOd ChaRaCtEr iS dA best tOmBsToNe

ThOsE WhO LoVeD U n HeLpeD bY U

WiLl remember u WheN fOrGeT-Me-NoTs r WiTheReD

CaRvE uR NaMe oN
NoT On MaRbLeS ?

170 chars (2 sms)

Laugh at ur mistake

Laugh at ur mistakes but learn 4m them.

Take ovr ur troubles but gather strength 4m them.

Have fun with difficulties but do overcome them..

Thts The way 2 live!

170 chars (2 sms)

U may miss me

U may miss me,

You may ignore me,

U may even forget me.

But one day if you want to see me

Do not search,

just see your shadow.

I will be there.

Trust me!!!

177 chars (2 sms)

I can close my

I can close my eyes and see all I’m searching for..
I can know what lies ahead without opening the door..
Intuition guiding me I will take my time..
All my answers live within my heart and quiet mind.

204 chars (2 sms)

When u find a dream

When u find a dream inside ur heart,

dont ever let it go,

Coz dreams r the tiny seeds

from which beautiful 2morow grows.

130 chars (1 sms)

Life Teaches U To

Life Teaches U To Smile
Also Teaches U To Cry
It May Be Ironical
Its True That
U Can''t Know Value Of Smile Until U Cry

132 chars (1 sms)

Success Will Neve

Success Will Never Lower Its Standard To Accommodate Us
We Have To Raise Our Standard To Achieve It . . .

“For Every Bird GOD Provides Food, But Not In Their Nest”

168 chars (2 sms)

ThaNks 2 tHosE wHo

ThaNks 2 tHosE wHo hAtEd mE,
tHey maDe mE a sTrOngeR pErson

tHX 2 tHos wHo luVd mE,
tHey maDe My hEart BigGer

tHx 2 tHos whO wOrrIed aBt mE,
tHey leT mE kNw DaT tHey aCtuaLlY CarEd

tHx 2 ThOs wHo lEft mE,
tHey sHoWed mE noT evRythnG laSts

tHx 2 thOs wHo eNtereD mY liFe,

323 chars (3 sms)

When you wake u

When you wake up
in the morning
You have two choices-
Go back to sleep
and dream your dreams,
or wake up and chase those dream !!!!

137 chars (1 sms)

Rememember that

Rememember that "there are 4 things that you cannot recover."
These are:

1- The stone...

...after the throw!

2- The word...

...after it’s said!

3- The occasion...

... after the loss!

4- The time...

... after it''s gone!

245 chars (2 sms)

A good servant is

"A good servant is essential in every household

but i have never known how to keep anyone

as a servant."


129 chars (1 sms)

When u r up in life

When u r up in life,
ur loved ones get to know who u r..
when u r down in life,
u get to know who ur loved ones r.

123 chars (1 sms)

IF U R Born Poor

IF U R Born Poor, Its not ur Mistake..........


90 chars (1 sms)

After a time u wil

After a time u will find that "having" is not so pleasing a thing as "wanting".
Its not logical , but after all true..

120 chars (1 sms)

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