Quotes of 'Motivation'

Pervez Musharraf :

"Therefore we thought this is a time where we need to show our own progress in relations"

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Pervez Musharraf :

"India and Pakistan should not remain trapped by hate and history"

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Pervez Musharraf :

"I cannot imagine that a Muslim and that too a Pakistani and more than that a man in uniform would ever get such a warm reception and such an applause from the Jewish community"

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Pervez Musharraf :

"You must understand the environment in Pakistan"

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Pervez Musharraf :

"We hope Israel will soon withdraw from the West Bank, a move which will enable the establishment of a Palestinian independent state. Respecting Palestinian aspirations will grant Israel the security it yearns for"

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Pervez Musharraf :

"Pakistan has been made a soft state where the supremacy of law is questioned. This situation can not be tolerated any more"

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Imran Khan Niazi :

"What most people didn't realize in the Western countries is that here its not a question of having supporters, its a question of getting these votes to the polling stations"

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Asif Ali Zardari :

"We in Pakistan have denied that story. The ISI is not responsible for the bombing of the Indian Embassy in Afghanistan"

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Asif Ali Zardari :

"It's the vacuum that has been created by the martyrdom of my late wife that has sparked the [new situation] in Pakistan."

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Asif Ali Zardari :

"The Pakistan Peoples Party and my colleagues in opposition believe that this is a war on Pakistan this is a war on our soil. It is our boys who are dying, our children who are homeless, our daughters who are being shut out of their homes, and we will defend our land"

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