Quotes of 'Political '

Pervez Musharraf :

"Poverty and deprivation lead to frustration, making the masses vulnerable to exploitation by extremist organizations,"

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Pervez Musharraf :

"Create this hysteria of terrorism"

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Pervez Musharraf :

"I don't know how they get that information, ... The Pakistan government has absolutely no involvement in this operation"

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Pervez Musharraf :

"The entire nation is with the armed forces and will shed the last drop of their blood but will not allow any harm to come to the motherland"

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Pervez Musharraf :

"But the parties themselves must step up and make changes to ensure their own survival. ... rigged elections"

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Pervez Musharraf :

"I take this opportunity to once again urge the Indian leadership to sit with us at the negotiating table"

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Tipu Sultan :

"If the government builds up necessary infrastructure and exempt some duties, we will earn US$ 1.0 billion in the next few years"

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Pervez Musharraf :

"We are already taking measures to move against all groups who are involved in any form of terrorism anywhere in the world"

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Pervez Musharraf :

"If anyone thinks in the United States that we should be coerced into some direction, well, I'm afraid they don't know ground realities here."

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Pervez Musharraf :

"We are operating against all terrorists. Now, within that, we don't know where he is. He may be anywhere"

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